May 2009 Photos

The Moon
12 x 1/320 @ ISO400 f/5 750 mm

Starting to try astrophotography. The moon was the first target I attempted, for obvious reasons. My second target was Saturn, and wow was I impressed to see the rings. Looking at the photo now I'm not sure why I was so impressed, but at the time it felt like a big day in my life.

I did attempt to do some shots of M51, one of the few galaxies that I could reasonable have a view of from my tiny patio, however the light pollution in the city was too much to overcome. We packed our bags and went to the RTMC up in Big Bear, CA. It was COLD, but I had a great time and it ended up being my first real taste of deep space photography. I'm hooked.


6 photos

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Mosaic Canyon - Death Valley, CA

1/160 @ ISO400 f/8 18 mm

Western Veil - Lake Elsinore, CA

34x120 @ ISO1600 f/5 400 mm

Wet Leaf - Garden Grove, CA

1/1000 @ ISO1600 f/11 100 mm

Haleakala Observatory at Sunset - Maui, HI

1/1500 @ ISO400 f/5.6 22 mm

Orion Nebula - Lake Elsinore, CA

58x30 @ ISO1600 f/5 400 mm

Sweet Potatoes - La Jolla, CA

1/13 @ ISO500 f/2.8 55 mm

Triangulum Galaxy - Temecula, CA

31x75 @ ISO800 f/5 750 mm

IC2118 - Witch Head Nebula - Anza, CA

14 x 2min @ ISO1600 f/5 400 mm

Devil's Golf Course - Death Valley, CA

1/400 @ ISO400 f/13 18 mm

Jupiter and its Galilean moons - Temecula, CA

11x1/180 @ ISO800 f/12.5 1875 mm

sky conditions


Lake Elsinore
